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    A Look At The Myths And Facts Behind Planar Magnet

    페이지 정보

    작성자 Joann   조회Hit 5   작성일2024-04-09


    Planar Magnetic Planar headphones Vs Dynamic Driver Headphones

    Most headphones and IEMs come with a dynamic driver, which uses cones that move back and forth to create sound waves. These headphones are more expensive and come with flat diaphragms, but offer a clearer picture.

    However, they require more power to drive the big drivers, and could not be suitable for portable devices. The term 'punch' or slam, comes from this. For some audiophiles, they are an upgrade.

    The Basics

    Planar Magnetic Drivers have become an essential feature in headphones due to their crisp sound and immersive quality. Even though they're not as popular as dynamic driver headphones but you can find a few of the best Planar Magnetic Headphones from big-name brands like Audeze or Oppo. Planar Magnetic Headphones work on a slightly different principle than traditional dynamic driver headphones, in that they don't use an oscillating voice coil to generate vibrations in the diaphragm. Instead, the charged portion of the driver is distributed across the flat diaphragm's surface which allows for more uniform motion.

    A simpler mechanism makes the planar magnetic driver more efficient in creating soundwaves. This could result in better distortion levels, more precise responses to transients in music, and a natural soundstage.

    There are many benefits when you choose headphones with a planar magnet drive. However, you should be aware of some limitations. First, you must be aware that these types of headphones tend to emit more sound than standard open-back models. The diaphragm that is flat on headphones that are planar will allow sound to be pushed in both directions. As a result, sound waves will leak out of the earcups into your surroundings. This is something to take into consideration if you'll use your headphones in public areas or at the office.

    Another problem is that planar magnetic headphones often require more power to achieve their full potential than other styles of headphones. The diaphragms are large and thin, and require more energy to move in a uniform manner, so they are heavier and Magnetic Planar Headphones more bulky. This is a problem for those who prefer keeping your headphones light and portable.

    monolith-m1060-over-ear-planar-magnetic-headphones-black-wood-with-106mm-driver-open-back-design-comfort-ear-pads-for-studio-professional-1.jpgPlanar magnetic headphones might not have the punch or slam that many listeners would like. This is because the diaphragm's flat shape doesn't vibrate in a pistonic manner, like traditional dynamic headphones, and thus can't be as 'plucked' as some listeners might wish for. However, this is not a universally held opinion and there are a few premium planar magnetic headphones (like the HiFiMAN Sundara) that provide excellent image distribution and punch.

    If you're willing to overlook these concerns, and are looking to invest in a pair of headphones that have an unbeatable soundstage and unique clarity, then planar magnetic headphones are definitely worth a look. Be sure to factor in the additional costs and power requirements in addition to their size and weight, prior to making a purchase. There are many excellent planar magnetic headphones on the market at a price that is affordable. This includes the renowned HiFiMAN Sundara. This will give you a glimpse of what these headphones can offer without spending a fortune.


    While there are plenty of excellent headphones that utilize dynamic drivers, many of the best headphones in different price ranges employ the planar magnetic technology. These headphones are usually more expensive than their counterparts with dynamic drivers, but also provide superior performance, including large soundstages and an immersive listening experience.

    Planar magnetic headphones employ two or more magnets suspended near the flat surface of a driver, and a conductor track on the diaphragm to generate vibrations. Electrical impulses passing through these wires generate a magnetic force that reacts with magnets and causes them to vibrate. The force that results is evenly dispersed across the entire diaphragm's surface, which does not produce distortion like dynamic headphones can.

    Because of the way that they are built they have a bigger soundstage than the dynamic models and provide much better transient response that means they can deal with fast changes in audio with greater accuracy. They also have lower resonance and a flatter frequency response, making them more accurate in the bass area than dynamic headphones and offering a fuller, deeper sound.

    These headphones are more precise and have an edgier sound. This makes them more appealing to audiophiles. This can be heard in the clarity and distinction of their sound as well as the way they recreate the stereo balance and location of instruments. This is especially important in closed-back designs such as the HiFiMAN sundara that create more realistic and expansive soundstage.

    These headphones are also less likely to break in the event that forces acting on the diaphragm compromise the diaphragm's structural integrity and cause various points to become out of sync. This issue could result from inadequate design or manufacturing and is among the main reasons that planar headphones are regarded as the most reliable choice.

    However, this type of headphone does have some disadvantages. It requires a large amount of power to drive it. This means that they are often heavy and bulky, which could make them less mobile than their more powerful counterparts. They also tend leak more sound. This means you'll require a quiet area to listen to the headphones without disturbing others. Fortunately, the latest models have better seals and noise isolation to alleviate this issue. It's difficult to say definitively which type of headphones, planar magnetic earbuds or dynamic ones are better. It really depends on your priorities and what is a planar headphone you value in your audio experience.hifiman-sundara-hi-fi-headphone-with-3-5mm-connectors-planar-magnetic-comfortable-fit-with-updated-earpads-black-2020-version-57.jpg


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